plan de estudios de psicología upn

1º CURSO (60ECTS) 3 Terms such as postconflict have not been hyphenated, so as to show the continuities that blur the lines between “peace” and “violence” in the grand narratives of peacebuilding (see Klem 2018). The discourses exposed in the analysis are presented in two main clusters: discourses of gender and discourses of peace and (in)security. (55) 5630-9700. Otras formas de reproducción, uso . NAPs, however, are a key public policy instrument for the implementation of WPS nationally as they provide an opportunity for countries to identify and prioritise key peace and security issues facing women and to develop strategic actions to address them. Whilst this method is underpinned by many of the same principles as traditional CDA (e.g., Fairclough, Wodak and Mulderrig 2011), it asserts an overt political commitment towards adopting a critical conceptualisation of gender and gendered hierarchies and interactions. El grado en Psicología forma profesionales con los conocimientos científicos necesarios para comprender, interpretar, analizar y explicar el comportamiento humano . "", Por eso, si estudias el grado en Psicología, podrás cursar asignaturas relacionadas con la psicología del desarrollo, psicopatología o la psicoterapia . Despite its current technical classification as a “postconflict” society, the absence of an official war in the country; a Constitution and Bill of Human Rights, perhaps the most liberal and democratic in the world; some of the highest levels of representation of women in parliament and the bureaucracy; and most recently, a comprehensive National Strategic Plan (NSP) on GBV (Gender-Based Violence) and Femicide (Madumise-Pajibo and Shisana 2020), SA continues to experience some of the highest rates of gendered inequality and violence globally (CSVR 2016; Judge 2021). (Re)conceptualising gender as a discursive power relation rather than a sole and fixed identity marker reveals the ways in which gender essentialism operates in UNSCR 1325 (Basu 2016). Further to this, the construction of discrimination and homophobic violence is framed against the backdrop of “negative social norms and stereotypes”, which aptly attributes the difficulties experienced by many South African queer people to factors in the societal/normative realm. Tiene la finalidad de formar profesionales de la educación en licenciatura y posgrado para atender las necesidades del Sistema Educativo Nacional y de la sociedad mexicana en general. Mtra. Capacidad para identificar problemas educativos generales en el país y en ámbitos internacionales. Of course, these discursive dissonances should be attributed partially to the fact that different countries have necessarily taken quite varied approaches to NAP-making. In the above constructions, several important points are surfaced in relation to insecurity and violence: first, that gendered violence affects not only women, but people from a wide range of different gendered and sexual identities, which platforms the rights of queer actors to speak within the discourse. Cada estudiante dispondrá de un asesor en la Universidad (además del tutor de prácticum) que le acompañará a lo largo de todo el grado para orientar su aprendizaje y enfocará su futura inserción profesional. Se desarrolla de séptimo a décimo semestre, es potenciado tanto en las prácticas pedagógicas, como los ejercicios de formación investigativa, Vigilada Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Transparencia y acceso a la información pública, La investigación en la FED: perspectivas, itinerarios y comprensiones, Licenciatura en Psicología y Pedagogía INS. Se deben cubrir aproximadamente 100 créditos (32% del total). 14200, Ciudad de México. In a further example, a more inclusive discourse on violence appears on page 37 of the NAP, where anti-queer violence is articulated as follows: SA played a historical role in pushing for the promotion and protection of the human rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, intersex, queer, asexual and other (LGBTIQA+) community. From the above statement, the ongoing tensions between “peace” and “(in)security” (including violence) are articulated with an open recognition of the ways in which previous strategies for addressing inequalities have been limited. Further to this, the NAP defines peace as “not merely the absence of war but also the presence of social justice, human integration, understanding and reconciliation among people, communities and/or nations” (Burger 2020, 19). Centro Universitariode Atención Psicológica. These developments have not been achieved easily, however, and with backlash against the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ identities having been witnessed with particular intensity in Colombia’s case, for example. Los contenidos de este portal pueden ser reproducidos sin alteración y sin fines lucrativos, citando la fuente completa con dirección electrónica. Increasingly, queer theories have been placed in conversation with feminist work in order to push the boundaries of critical gendered analyses beyond their existing forms (Hagen 2016; 2017). "sameAs":[ Ultimately, then, the WPS field calls for further queering in order to generate more sophisticated gendered perspectives of peacebuilding (Cóbar, Bjertén-Günther and Jung 2018; Hagen 2017). The discourse analysis presented in this paper shows that SA’s NAP on WPS is not necessarily a coherent policy document; rather, it includes various discursive tensions, ambivalences, and even contradictions. Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación. The analysis below presents a fragmented and slippery discursive matrix that is, in many ways, consistent with previous discourse analyses of NAPs on WPS (refer to Drummond and Rebelo 2020; Fritz, Doering and Gumru 2011; Hudson 2017; Madsen and Hudson 2020). Multifaceted collaboration and interactions between WPS stakeholders in a given country may establish spaces in which to address state-society fragmentations and fractures whilst also enhancing local peace infrastructure including the capacities of civil society groups working to address gendered violence. PS 1008 Psicología de la Motivación y Emoción. 02. Licenciatura en Psicología Plan de Estudios 2011 7 social, para contribuir de la mejor manera posible, al desarrollo de las diversas En UPN, la Carrera de Psicología está orientada a tres especialidades: clínica, educativa y organizacional. 2021). Meaning, there can never be human security without peaceful states, and there cannot be durable peace for states without the safety of their citizens” (Burger 2020, 4). Formación básicaLa formación básica ofrece herramientas teórico-conceptuales que favorecen el análisis y la comprensión del espacio común de desempeño profesional de los estudiantes y sus condicionantes histórico-culturales, independientemente de las diversas formas de expresión específicas que adquieren. Hagen’s (2016) bridging together of queer and intersectional theories serves to highlight the multiple ways in which gendered identities may collide with other identity vectors, most notably sexualities, to produce wide-ranging differences as to the security and peace-related needs and concerns of different people: particularly those who are queer. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. PS 1200 Psicología Social. 24 Col. Héroes de Padierna, Alcaldía Tlalpan, C.P. From within these discourses, lived experiences and community-centric ways of creating more peaceful and inclusive societies are foregrounded. Secretaría Académica del SUA 01. NAPs are typically developed alongside a range of representative state and civil society stakeholders, including actors from Ministries of Defence, Security, and Justice but also those working in community-based organisations. 614 ó 346 5786 ext. "postalCode": "31009", Aplica conocimientos en la resolución de problemas educativos y promueva prácticas educativas innovadoras. 1 Refer to Pinheiro and Kiguwa (2021) for more details on my work in this area. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. PERÍODO 2020 –2022. 2020. Attending to the multiple layers of meaning within and between these discursive contradictions characterising the NAP invites us to imagine possibilities for ways in which SA’s broader gender and queer agenda may be advanced within and outside of peacebuilding processes. Se construye entendiendo a lo educativo como campo de indagación específico que se ha constituido integrando aportes provenientes de diversas disciplinas y como marco de análisis que de las características del sistema educativo nacional. // ]]>, © 2019, Derechos Reservados. Wright (2020) aptly observes that in the international policy framework on WPS, boys, men, and masculinities are conspicuous by their absence; that they have always featured in policy discourses (literally) as policy-makers and diplomats and (implicitly) as perpetrators of violence, but are still treated as an unmarked category in the fixed, biological parameters of mainstream WPS discourse. El egresado contará con los conocimientos generales acerca del desarrollo humano y los procesos de aprendizaje para diseñar y llevar a cabo programas de intervención y apoyo psicopedagógico que fortalezcan el desarrollo autónomo y capacidad de actuación de los educandos y/o comunidades de aprendizaje, en los . "addressLocality": "Pamplona" Los hallazgos clave resaltan el valor potencial de los discursos sobre políticas que, en su fragmentación, rupturas, continuidades y ambivalencias, pueden facilitar oportunidades para una paz queer a nivel instrumental y más allá. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. What is also left unsaid in the statement on SA’s position within the global peacebuilding context, however, is that insecurity and violence (gendered violence in particular) impact not only women, but people from a range of different gendered and sexual identities. Ultimately, the discourse analysis presented in the paper illustrates how policy can be used to harness critical gendered language and generate possibilities for radical (re)imaginings of gendered peace. Formación especializadaLa formación especializada está orientada a profundizar en el conocimiento de las LGAC de desempeño profesional poniendo énfasis en las problemáticas específicas del campo y las estrategias de exploración e indagación articuladas al mismo; se conforma con base en una serie de actividades que permiten la realización de investigaciones o la elaboración de propuestas de intervención tendientes a innovar la práctica profesional. PS 1004 Introducción a la Psicología. "@type":"WebSite", Diseña propuestas de intervención destinadas a atender problemas educativos a nivel local, nacional e internacional. "address":{ Este artículo de investigación presenta un análisis feminista queer de los discursos de género del Plan Nacional de Acción (PNA) sobre Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad (MPS) de Sudáfrica (2020-2025). } ID 1500 Escritos Académicos. A related research project could perhaps be designed that explores the connections between the language in peacebuilding policies and their practical effects: SA’s NAP on WPS outlines specific activities for the monitoring and evaluation of the policy’s implementation, and so such a research project could be integrated into that work, for example. Women demonstrated in anti-pass campaigns in 1913 and 1930 and led the campaign in 1956. ** Estas materias son electivas abiertas a todo programa de la Universidad. Since the watershed passing of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda a little over two decades ago, an extensive body of scholarship has been developed that explores not only the landmark document itself, but also its National Action Plan (NAP) corollaries (Hudson 2017; Newby and O’Malley 2021; Shepherd 2020). (Burger 2020, 20). Perfil de egresoEl perfil del egresado de la MDE integra conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que el profesional debe adquirir y fortalecer en su proceso de formación en el posgrado. Tel. The process of conceptualising NAPs is thus not only technical, but highly symbolic and political. Second, the explicit reference to (and ultimate rejection of) a heteronormative gender binary makes it forcefully clear that gender is more than an essential identity marker. "name":"Universidad de Navarra", Critical queer and feminist readings of the peace (e.g., Hagen 2016) thus foreground key questions as to personhood, belonging, participation, citizenship and legitimacy in relation to peacebuilding processes. var cx = '016735234620262114230:uiilmetqzry'; This framing of “women” is also echoed in the visuals selected for the front cover of the policy document, which show key historical moments in women’s resistance against racial and gendered oppressions and thus make an overt commitment to locating South African women’s contemporary experiences of peace and (in)security within a specific historical context that highlights both their struggles and their concomitant resistances against these struggles. Thereafter, I present the discourse analysis, a summative discussion of the key findings and, finally, key recommendations for future work. Cisprivilege, which operates under the assumption that all people’s gendered identities align comfortably with their assigned sex at birth, is partly to blame for this oversight, but the gaps between policy rhetoric and people’s variant and overlapping lived experiences of gender also come into play (Hagen 2016; Hudson 2017). The Centre for Human Rights (based at the University of Pretoria) has also developed the “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)” unit, which works progressively towards the realisation of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons in Africa through advocacy, training, policy development, and social action (refer to, which would be well-placed to contribute to future policy work in the field. The repeated focus on women in the document can be read in multiple, complex, and sometimes contradictory ways. "url":"", The 2016 Colombian Peace Deal (see, e.g., Cóbar, Bjertén-Günther and Jung 2018; Hagen 2017; Maier 2020) and the 2014 Mindanao Peace Agreement (see, e.g., Cóbar, Bjertén-Günther and Jung 2018) are examples of national-level policy documents that adopt more radically-inclusive gendered discourses in their frameworks for gender-responsive peacebuilding. s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); Tel. UPN facultad de ingeniería carrera profesional de ingeniería de sistemas computacionales modalidad: presencial plan de estudios 2020 (período catálogo ciclo ObjetivoFormar profesionales con una actitud de servicio y trabajo dirigidos a la comunidad educativa (autoridades, padres, maestros y alumnos) otorgando un reconocimiento amplio de los avances teóricos y los recursos metodológicos de la psicología y otras disciplinas afines, para comprender y atender problemas educativos asociados a procesos de desarrollo, aprendizaje y socialización de los individuos a nivel del currículo formal, el salón de clase, el grupo escolar y la institución educativa. While it is acknowledged that most acts of SGBV are perpetrated by men against women, not all victims of SGBV are female. Se basa en un amplio campo académico sobre MPS y usa el estudio de caso del PNA de Sudáfrica para ilustrar cómo se pueden emplear las políticas para aprovechar el lenguaje crítico de género y crear posibilidades para (re)imaginar radicalmente la paz de género. Si bien ya existe una base de conocimiento considerable que explora los discursos de género de los PNA sobre MPS, una brecha importante en la literatura —que solo se ha empezado a explorar con mayor rigor recientemente— es el de la unión de las teorías queer y feministas para ampliar todavía más el alcance del análisis discursivo de políticas. Policy as Discourse: What Does it Mean? The implementation of this NAP on WPS will go a long way to renew efforts at realising the WPS agenda both nationally and internationally. Ejerce liderazgo académico para responder a los retos y demandas que la sociedad del conocimiento plantea. Much of the contestation around WPS policies and practices centres questions related to discourses of gender and representation (Hudson 2017). These questions are especially relevant in SA, because of the historical and contemporary ways in which the state and its corollaries (police and military institutions in particular) have (re)enacted and simultaneously challenged white heteropatriarchy in the country (see, e.g., Pinheiro and Kiguwa 2021). These slippages and contradictions are carried throughout the entirety of the NAP, so that even the four pillars of the policy, along with their associated activities, outcomes, and indicators, speak to, but sometimes simultaneously silence, the realities and needs of queer actors in the struggle against violence and the journey towards peace. Practicum: estancias prácticas tutorizadas. Secretaría de Gestión y políticas institucionales. Decana de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNT compartió una Mesa Panel, con decanos de otras Unidades Académicas de Psicología en el IX Congreso Marplatense Internacional de Psicología. Theorising about SA’s NAP from the local (see, e.g., Basu 2016; Shepherd 2020), I situate the policy analysis against the backdrop of WPS’s rootedness on the African continent and the existence of an already-extensive African WPS architecture that spans continental, regional, and national frameworks (Burger 2020; Hendricks 2017 as cited in Madsen and Hudson 2020). | Créditos| Políticas de Privacidad |. "streetAddress": "Campus Universitario s/n", gabriela. 8 For some examples of this ongoing work, refer to local organisations such as the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) (, currently under the Executive Directorship of Professor Cheryl Hendricks. Intercambio Académico y Relaciones Internacionales, Programa de Fortalecimiento a la Calidad Educativa, Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente, Política y protocolo para la igualdad de género, inclusión y no discriminación, Acuerdo de creación de la Unidad de Igualdad de Género e Inclusión de la UPN, Instituciones educativas en los sectores público y privado desde el nivel preescolar hasta el superior, Empresas públicas y particulares de capacitación y actualización, Instituciones sociales como hospitales, asociaciones civiles, organismos gubernamentales, Ser seleccionado por medio de examen de admisión, Certificado de Estudios de Nivel Medio Superior y/o Constancia de Estudio Terminal con promedio mínimo 7.0 (original y dos copias), Acta de Nacimiento (original y dos copias), Ficha de aspirante original o folio comprobante de presentación de examen. 16, vol. While a considerable knowledge base that explores the gendered discourses of NAPs on WPS already exists, a key gap in the literature —that has only more recently begun to be explored with greater rigor— is the bridging of queer and feminist theories to further push the boundaries of discursive policy analysis. Similarly, Enloe’s (1993) work on peace and security challenges the common split between so-called public and private manifestations of violence in prevailing discourses on “violence” and “peace”: for many women and other marginalised groups, quotidian experiences of discrimination and violence blur these lines. "address":{ Título Intermedio: Ayudante de Gabinete Psicológico. For one, I write as a critical social and psychological researcher with a vested interest in the military-gender nexus and its particularities in the South African context1. In this reading, the “gender equals women” discourse makes it possible for the needs of certain gendered actors to be rhetorically side-lined in peacebuilding processes6. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional UPN, Carretera al Ajusco No. La Facultad de Psicología es entidad asesora de la Licenciatura en Neurociencias, con sede en la Facultad de Medicina. En el presente artículo de investigación se analiza el desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras en docentes universidades públicas autónomas del estado Zulia, basado en las teorías de Auletta . A person may have a non-gender identity, meaning they do not identify strictly as a boy or a girl, man or woman, but they could identify as both, or neither, or as another gender entirely. docentes-investigadores de la facultad de psicologÍa de la u.n.t., participaron de proyecto sobre el impacto psicosocial de la pandemia de covid-19 en diferentes grupos etarios y niveles socioeconÓmicos de tucumÁn. Secondly, that there is a major gap between that which is articulated on paper and the everyday experiences of queer people in contemporary SA, which opens up a space for discussion about violence in the everyday and violence as occurring not only during formal periods of conflict, but during ‘peaceful’ periods as well. } Situated in a reading of SA’s history that takes into account the ways in which women —and black women, in particular— have struggled under and resisted against racialised heteropatriarchal regimes, the focus on their agency and power may be read as an essential one. In the early 1990s, during its peacemaking process, South African women came together (in the form of a Women’s Coalition) to demand representation in the peace talks and that the principle of gender equality be embedded in a new Constitution. The field of critical WPS studies has thus surfaced and continues to tease out key discursive debates and common language traps characterising the field (Newby and O’Malley 2021). The field would also benefit from further probes into possibilities for bridging together queer and feminist perspectives of gender, peace, and security. Rather, it is cast as a “constitutive element of social relationships based on perceived differences between the sexes, and a primary way of signifying relationships of power” (Scott 1986, 1056). "name":"" bien de manera individual, bien en grupos pequeños. "", One lens through which to understand the text’s prominent focus on “women” is to read it against the backdrop of SA’s gendered and sexual history and the ways in which this has informed movements against patriarchal gendered power relations. 14200, Ciudad de México. On page 41, for example, a list appears that outlines a series of “points emerging from civil society dialogues on WPS”. 24 Col. Héroes de Padierna, Alcaldía Tlalpan, C.P. SA’s NAP emerges out of a specific socio-political history in which women, and black women in particular, were largely invisibilised by colonial and apartheid machineries in the service of maintaining white heteropatriarchy. Secretaría técnica Psicología. Shepherd (2016) calls further attention to the negative implications of reproducing normative gendered binaries in WPS policies: for one, the “gender equals women” discourse effectively reproduces women’s subordinance to men and thus fails to be radically transformative of wider gendered power relations. Language is a conveyor of plural and contested meanings, and thus plays a key part in the construction of multiple gendered identities and practices, with considerable power to shift material realities and social configurations over time (Foucault 1980; Hudson 2017). "", A similar pattern of ambivalence and contestation can be identified in the discourses of peace and (in)security that feature in the NAP. El plan de estudios incluye 18 créditos de las asignaturas de Antropología, Ética y Claves Culturales, que componen el Core Curriculum de la Universidad de Navarra. These discourses speak explicitly to genderqueer citizens, allowing space in the text for their voices to be heard and recognising the connections between peace and security and wider questions of personhood, citizenry, and belonging in the country. Such a queer discourse is echoed and expanded in later sections of the NAP that outline its guiding principles as “listening and responding to the needs of women, girls and gender non-conforming persons’ voices with an intersectional lens” (Burger 2020, 60). From its outset, the NAP engages with discourses of gender that are explicitly queer: The roles, responsibilities, attributes and opportunities that are socio-culturally ascribed to men, women, boys and girls in a given society.

Prueba Regional De Entrada Comunicación 2022, Diseño Industrial Pucp Malla Curricular, Matan A Joven A Balazos Ayer, Inchicapi Valor Nutricional, Desayunos Veganos Proteicos, Lista De Capacitaciones Para Docentes, Consultar Fecha De Nacimiento, Desayuno Saludable Con Palta,

plan de estudios de psicología upn